"Traffic Data Collection and Anonymous Vehicle Detection Using Wireless Sensor Networks"
Dr. Ali Haghani
Civil & Environmental Engineering
In this project, we develop low cost, lowprofile, and energy self-sufficient sensormodules for different applications ofintelligent transportation systems. Theproposed sensors harvest the mechanicalvibration in street pavement and convertit to electrical energy for operation ofsensors. As an important application ofthis architecture, prototyping and fieldevaluation will be done for a variationof the proposed sensors that measurequantities such as traffic volume, speed,density, and distribution of vehiclelengths. Compared to the existing solutions,the proposed architecture is economical,easy to install, easy to maintain,and energy self-sufficient. We expectthe following outcome for this project: (i)Architectural design, development, andimplementation of wireless sensors thatharvest their energy from vibration inthe road pavements; (ii) Signal processingtechniques and algorithms to convertraw data of sensors into quantities such as space mean speed, vehicle length, etc.and, (iii) reports on road evaluation of thedeveloped sensor in field experiments andsimulations.